My World

An engineer vascillating between professional compulsion and artistic cravings of his heart;a dilettante in literary field

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Sons and Lovers

"Sonss And Lovers "(W H Lawrence)

'Well, are you coming now or later?' 'Are you going 'a'ready
for?' He lamented. 'You need not come if you don’t want; she said
And she went slowly away with her little girl whilst her son stood
watching her,cut to the heart to let her go, and yet unable to leave the
wakes. So mother dominates her child’s heart from beginning. This
is natural too.But this control is not weakened till mother’s
death. Mother’s love becomes bane of her son’s life. Mrs.
Morel despises her husband Walter .Walter Morel does not care for his
family. Scenes of altercation between husband and wife are common in
their house.She finds solace in her sons. Elder son William is very dear
to him. After William’s death younger son Paul becomes her entire
world. Son too is passionately fond of his mother. He falls in love with
Miriam. Their love is different from normal people’s love. I can't
fancy a young man talking to his lover about religion and God .Oh,
Morel only if you knew there were better things to do with girl you are in
love with and could enjoy life. I feel the reason for this platonic relationship between Paul and Miriam is Paul’s excessive love for his mother. Her son’s
affair upsets mother. She feels that her enire world is going to be
ruined. In young man’s life crisis begins here. Paul can’t
see his mother unhappy yet he is unable to stop meeting with Miriam and
later Clara. He is tormented by these inner conflicting desires. He
strives to win free from his mother’s possessive love. But in the
end mother’s possessive love proves stronger than any ties and Paul
comes back to his mother. After his mother's death he is left alone in
the world. Sons and Lovers is considered Lawrence’s best work. This
novel is widely known for being his semi autobiography and having Oedipus
complex as its central theme.

Thursday, January 08, 2004

Brothers Karamazov

Brothers Karamazov (Fyodor Doestoveysky)

Russia’s evil genius Fyodor Dostoevsky makes a final attempt in the
Brothers Karamazov to solve all his lifelong philosophical and
psychological problems. And result is Brothers Karamazov ne plus ultra
of literary field. Whether it is his obscession God or quest for
positively perfect person , he has touched everything. First few
chapters are clearly marked by central point of his thoughts .Ivan
‘second Karamazov brother’ remarks ‘everything is
permitted if there is no God’ at the other point someone says
‘If there is no God ,we need to invent one’ . Very famous
legend of grand inquisitor shows writer’s profound philosophical
insight. Dostovesky’s quest for positively perfect person does not
end in prince Myshkin of Idiot. Alyosha is his new prince Myshkin . Though
Alyosha too is novice yet unlike Myshkin he does not seem to be
insane. While plumbing into the psyche, Doestoyevsky forgets to maintain continuity
of story but in the Brothers Karamazov different parts of story are
finely integrated into a structure. Even digressions add up to the
integrity of the main story. .In novel old Karamazov is murdered by his
illegitimate son. Dostoevsky’s father was murdered by his own surf.
I am a diehard admirer of Dostovesky but I too feel that his lietrature
lacks purpose or reason for behaviour of characters ,only few works have
logic for insane behaviour of characters otherwise prince Myshkin is
only reminds me a person fit for lunatic asylum. May be that I am not
talented enough to judge him. Albert Einstein said 'He gives me more than
any scientist, more than Gauss'
" Bothers Karamazov " is considered Doestoyevsky's best novel but I
my favourite is his Crime and Punishment.