My World

An engineer vascillating between professional compulsion and artistic cravings of his heart;a dilettante in literary field

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Notes from underground

Existentialism is common in works of Dostoevsky, Kafka and Camus. I feel Camus is very good. Dostoevsky and Kafka are difficult to understand. Nevertheless, of all these three existentialists, I like Dostoevsky the most. Dostoevsky’s works, as I perceive, are regarded belonging to two extremes, at the worst some may find it aegri somnia and at the best, people like me may declare it as ne plus ultra of literary field. Even talented people like D H Lawrence failed to understand that literature is not all about noble feelings and criticized him for sticking to basest human feelings. Lawrence remarked ‘He is rat, slithering along in hate’. Few others imputed Dostoevsky’s description of base feelings to his nostalgie de la boue. I have read almost all his major works and I recognize that these base feelings are real crisis of existence for Dostoevsky and as the consequence had been his idee fixe . I feel his greatness lies in his uncanny ability to plunge deep into human psyche while others in attempt fumble and flop and touch only at surface. Most of his works don’t fall into the conventional definition of novel. ‘Notes from underground’ also known as ‘Letters from under world’ is such a work. Protagonist’s inaugural words “I am a sick man, I am a spiteful man” draws a picture of mentally sick man rather than physical one. Although he further narrates ‘My liver is diseased’ yet his declaration ‘I am a sick man’ connotes his mental sickness. His further description of himself supports it. He is a egoistic man. I have observed that a sensitive and vulnerable person becomes egoistic .Our egoistic nature is guard against our vulnerable ness. I am sure a careful study of human nature will lead many of you to same conclusion. Protagonist too is oversensitive and vulnerable; At the one point he says ‘I, for instance, have a great deal of amour propre. I am as suspicious and prone to take offence as a humpback or a dwarf’. He broods over many trifles. He is so much concerned about trifles that these don’t seem to be a crisis of existence for him but a part of a normal way of his life. In this story protagonist is a man of many contradictions , a characteristic trait of many Dostoevsky’s characters .I am not surprised if his works were regarded as doubles. This work can’t be compared with his great works, namely,’ Brothers Karamazov’ and ‘Crime & Punishment’but this is worth reading. You’ll not feel soothing effect of good story rather you will feel agitated when you read this story. But I am sure this is not the reason anyone will avoid Dostoevsky’s works.


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